We provide a global color palette GiniColors.xcassets
which you are free to override. For example, if you want to override Accent01
color you need to
We offer several methods for overriding colors:
Using your main bundle. To override a color such as
color, simply create anAccent01.colorset
with your wished value in your main bundle
Using a custom bundle
. Set
to use a custom bundle. Then, create an
file with your desired value in the custom bundle to override theAccent01
. This method enables the customization of resources to override the default Gini colors, impacting all screens. To implement this, setcustomResourceProvider
Info |
To ensure proper customization, set |
Find the names of the color resources in the color palette (you can also view it in Figma here):
Figma for confluence lite | ||||
Customizing of images is done via overriding of drawable resources.
Preview our typography and find the names of the style resources (you can also view it in Figma here):
Figma for confluence lite | ||||
To override them in your application, use GiniBankConfiguration.updateFont(_ font: UIFont, for textStyle: UIFont.TextStyle)
, for example: