Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Send feedback only on those labels that are physically seen by the user. Unseen labels should be filtered out.

Code Block
//submitting feedback on extractions

    PUT /documents/{id}/extractions/feedback






Code Block
   "feedback": {
       "amountToPay": {
           "value": "950.00:EUR"
       "iban": {
           "value": "DE68130300000017850360"
       "bic": {
           "value": "BYLADEM1001"
       "paymentPurpose": {
           "value": "RE-20170512-02"
       "paymentRecipient": {
           "value": "Fahrrad Rückenwind"
Code Block

//We show a more elaborated example here in order to explain different types of the feedback. The example scenario is as follows: the user uploads a document where the labels amountToPay, paymentReference, iban are extracted. Unfortunately the label paymentRecipient could not be extracted. The response to the extractions request is as follows:

    "candidates": {
    "extractions": {
        "amountToPay": {
            "box": {
                "height": 8.0,
                "left": 545.0,
                "page": 1,
                "top": 586.0,
                "width": 17.0
            "candidates": "amounts",
            "entity": "amount",
            "value": "5.60:EUR"
        "iban": {
            "box": {
                "height": 7.0,
                "left": 447.0,
                "page": 1,
                "top": 746.0,
                "width": 100.0
            "candidates": "ibans",
            "entity": "iban",
            "value": "DE68130300000017850360"
        "paymentReference": {
            "entity": "reference",
            "value": "ReNr 123, KdNr 32"
    "compoundExtractions": {
        "lineItems": [
              "artNumber": {
                "value": "10101",
                "entity": "text" ,
                "box": {
                    "height": 7.0,
                    "left": 55.0,
                    "page": 1,
                    "top": 546.0,
                    "width": 100.0
              "quantity": {
                "value": "12",
                "entity": "numeric"
              "artNumber": {
                "value": "10103",
                "entity": "text"
              "quantity": {
                "value": "3",
                "entity": "numeric"

//The user adds missing paymentRecipient value (complementary feedback) and corrects the paymentReference to "ReNr 1735, KdNr 37" (negative feedback). Sets the quantity of one line item to 0 and adds a reason for returning the articles. The iban, amountToPay and the remaining part of lineItems are correct (positive feedback). The document is not shown, so we can leave out the boxes. Then the resulting feedback request is as follows:

   "extractions": {
       "amountToPay": {
           "value": "5.60:EUR"
       "iban": {
           "value": "DE68130300000017850360"
       "paymentReference": {
           "value": "ReNr 1735, KdNr 37"
       "paymentRecipient": {
           "value": "Zalando SE"
 "compoundExtractions": {
        "lineItems": [
              "artNumber": {
                "value": "10101"
              "quantity": {
                "value": "0"
              "returnReason": {
                "value": "r3"
              "artNumber": {
                "value": "10103"
              "quantity": {
                "value": "3"
Give feedback and correct or verify multiple specific labeled extraction patterns with a single PUT or POST request to the document extractions URI.

The labels must correspond to the names of the extraction types e.g. amountToPay. See available specific extractions for possible values.

Header	Value
Content-Type	application/vnd.gini.v1+json
Key	Type	Description
extractions	object	Feedback on atomic extractions
compoundExtractions	object	Feedback on compound extractions
 The boxes are optional. Boxes should only be sent if your use case visualize the document with the locations of the extractions. Thus, the user can confirm the correct location of a extraction.
Status Code	Description
204 (No Content)	The feedback was successfully processed.
404 (Not Found)	The document or the label could not be found.
406 (Not Acceptable)	The request headers were not set correctly.
422 (Unprocessable Entity)	At least one value was not valid regarding entity validation rules of the label.
Test Example
In order to test the integration of the feedback functionality, we offer a PDF test document with the expected outcome in a JSON format. This document can be used for an integration test of Gini’s Pay API in general. Furthermore, we provide a query for sending feedback where all fields are correct except for the amountToPay. After sending this feedback we show you how you can ensure that the feedback with your confirmation and correction for the field values was successful.

Sending the test document to the Gini Pay API (see also submitting files)
Requesting the results (see also retrieving extractions)
You should get a JSON like in example.
Correcting the document with the following JSON (see also submitting feedback on extractions). Here we change the amountToPay from "995.00:EUR" to "950.00:EUR" and confirm the other field values (iban, bic, paymentRecipient, paymentReference).
   "feedback": {
       "amountToPay": {
           "value": "950.00:EUR"
       "iban": {
           "value": "DE68130300000017850360"
       "bic": {
           "value": "BYLADEM1001"
       "paymentPurpose": {
           "value": "RE-20170512-02"
       "paymentRecipient": {
           "value": "Fahrrad Rückenwind"


Submit feedback on invalid extractions


Status Code


204 (No Content)

Label removal was successful.

404 (Not Found)

The document or the label could not be found.

Code Block
//submitting feedback on invalid extractions

    DELETE /documents/{id}/extractions/{label}