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  1. Request camera access via configuring Info.plist in your project.

  2. Configure GiniBankConfigurationGiniConfiguration.shared. Here is an implementation example.

  3. Present the UIViewController. Here is an example.

  4. Handle the extraction results by implementing GiniCaptureResultsDelegate. There are more details about the delegate methods later and here is an implementation example.

  5. Send the final transfer summary values to Gini by calling GiniBankConfigurationGiniConfiguration.shared.sendTransferSummary()method which will be used to improve the future extraction accuracy

  6. Clean up the SDK by calling GiniBankConfigurationGiniConfiguration.shared.cleanup() which will release the resources used by SDK.


You don’t need to implement any extra steps.

Code Block
   GiniBankConfigurationGiniConfiguration.shared.cleanupsendTransferSummary(paymentRecipient: "Payment Recipient",
                                   paymentReference: "Payment Reference",
                                   paymentPurpose: "Payment Purpose",
                                   iban: "IBAN",
                                   bic: "BIC",
                                   amountToPay: ExtractionAmount(value: 10.242, currency: .EUR))

Check out an example app to see what an integration can look like.
