Find the names of the color resources in the color palette (you can also view it in Figma here):
Figma for confluence lite |
nodeUrl | https://www.figma.com/file/kUde2EyjO88UVprdSwn2li/iOS-Gini-Bank-SDK-3.7.0-UI-Customisation?type=design&node-id=14-355&mode=design&t=PD89VMxALhhBui6s-4 |
height | 1000px |
Preview our typography and find the names of the style resources (you can also view it in Figma here):
Figma for confluence lite |
nodeUrl | https://www.figma.com/file/kUde2EyjO88UVprdSwn2li/iOS-Gini-Bank-SDK-3.7.0-UI-Customisation?type=design&node-id=2574-12863&mode=design&t=Xpr08uvZ81ZVAzGV-4 |
height | 1000px |