We recommend using Capture Flow with Fragments instead of activities.
In order to launch Gini Capture SDK, follow these steps:
Note |
Provide values for all necessary fields, including those that were not extracted. Provide the final data approved by the user (and not the initially extracted only). Send transfer summary only after TAN verification.
You don’t need to implement any extra steps.
The diagram shows the interaction between your app and the SDK:
Drawio |
mVer | 2 |
simple | 0 |
zoom | 1 | simple | 0 |
inComment | 0 |
custContentId | 12124413 |
pageId | 2982265 |
lboxcustContentId | 112124413 |
diagramDisplayName | Untitled Diagram-1683895745279.drawio |
lbox | 1 |
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revision | 45 |
baseUrl | https://gini.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | Untitled Diagram-1683895745279.drawio |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 860 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 379.5 |