In order to use the capture flow, you need to:
Request camera access.
Configure the capture feature using the
.Register an activity result handler with the
.Launch the SDK with
.Handle the extraction results.
Clean up the SDK by calling
while also providing the required extraction feedback to improve future extraction accuracy. Follow the recommendations below:
Provide values for all necessary fields, including those that were not extracted.
Provide the final data approved by the user (and not the initially extracted only).
Do cleanup only after TAN verification.
You don’t need to implement any extra steps.
The diagram below shows the interaction between your app and the SDK:
Check out the example app to see how an integration could look like.
The Gini Bank SDK can return the following results:
A document was analyzed and the extractions are available in the properties of the CaptureResult.Success
The user canceled Gini Bank SDK.
An error occurred and the details are available in the value
property of the CaptureResult.Error
Gini Bank SDK was able to extract information, but they were not payment related. Your app should proceed with allowing your user to enter the payment information manually.
The document analysis finished with no results or an error and the user clicked the Enter manually button on either the No Results Screen or the Error Screen. To enable manual entry of payment information, allow your app to prompt users for manual input.
In the following example, you can see how to launch the capture flow and how to handle the results:
// Use the androidx's Activity Result API to register a handler for the capture result. val captureLauncher = registerForActivityResult(CaptureFlowContract()) { result: CaptureResult -> when (result) { is CaptureResult.Success -> { handleExtractions(result.specificExtractions) } is CaptureResult.Error -> { when (result.value) { is ResultError.Capture -> { val captureError: GiniCaptureError = (result.value as ResultError.Capture).giniCaptureError handleCaptureError(captureError) } is ResultError.FileImport -> { // See the File Import section on the Capture Features page for more details. val fileImportError = result.value as ResultError.FileImport handleFileImportError(fileImportError) } } GiniBank.releaseCapture( this, "", "", "", "", "", Amount.EMPTY ) } CaptureResult.Empty -> { handleNoExtractions() GiniBank.releaseCapture( this, "", "", "", "", "", Amount.EMPTY ) } CaptureResult.Cancel -> { handleCancellation() GiniBank.releaseCapture( this, "", "", "", "", "", Amount.EMPTY ) } CaptureResult.EnterManually -> { handleEnterManually() GiniBank.releaseCapture( this, "", "", "", "", "", Amount.EMPTY ) } } } fun launchGiniCapture() { // Make sure camera permission has been already granted at this point. // Check that the device fulfills the requirements. val report = GiniCaptureRequirements.checkRequirements((Context) this) if (!report.isFulfilled()) { handleUnfulfilledRequirements(report) return } // Instantiate the networking implementation. val networkService: GiniCaptureNetworkService = ... // Configure the capture feature. GiniBank.setCaptureConfiguration( CaptureConfiguration( networkService = networkService, ... ) ) // Launch and wait for the result. GiniBank.startCaptureFlow(captureLauncher) } void stopGiniBankSDK() { // After the user has seen and potentially corrected the extractions // cleanup the SDK while passing in the final extraction values // which will be used as feedback to improve the future extraction accuracy: GiniBank.releaseCapture(this, paymentRecipient, paymentReference, paymentPurpose, iban, bic, amount ) }