We are pleased to announce a completely new feature! This new addition allows to automatically detect a Skonto discount on the user's Invoice and present the final amount of the bank transfer including a Skonto discount. In addition to this, in case that discount amount was not directly stated, we are able to automatically calculate it.
We are able to detect various way a Skonto date and a Skonto amount is provided on the invoice:
Different date formats:
period: words indicating a period, e.g. “in 7 days”, “in 2 weeks”
exact date, e.g. “ by 24.04.2025”
Different amount formats:
percentage of discount, e.g.: “2%”
percentage of the amount to pay: rare cases, a percentage indicating the percent of amount to pay
amount of discount, e.g.: “20 EUR”
Final amount to pay after discount, e.g.: “326 EUR”
Benefits of having Skonto turned on and available for your user’s:
Simplified payment! There is no need to change the amount of bank transfer manually to include a discount
Skonto is detected, calculated and included automatically to their Bank transfer, nevertheless, users always have an option to change final transfer amount
Cost savings - by detecting and presenting discounts, users can now quickly and effectively save money
Benefits of having Skonto turned on for you:
This new solution offers a significant enhancement. In addition to four fields, which you already received (recipient IBAN, Payment Purpose, payment recipient, and amount to pay) we now provide you with the discounted amount and the Skonto due date.
Skonto is available in Bank SDK 3.12.0 for Android and Bank SDK 3.9.0 for iOS. Make sure to update your application to benefit from the latest additions!
Learn more about Skonto in the following resources: