Skonto 2.0 released !
We are pleased to announce the latest additions to the Skonto feature introduced last month!
You are now able to:
While scanning an invoice which is supported by our Return Assistant and having a Skonto present, you can now use both features simultaneously.
Find your Skonto information on the invoice quicker as we are now highlighting Skonto information
See Skonto details at the bottom of the screen when previewing an invoice:
Skonto due date
Amount to pay with Skonto
Amount to pay without Skonto
Experience updated design for small devices and iPads
Available in Bank SDK 3.13.1 for Android and Bank SDK 3.10.0 for iOS. Please make sure to update your application to benefit from the latest additions and contact us for enabling both features in your account.
Learn more about Skonto in the following resources:
Skonto in Gini Bank SDK for Android
Skonto in Gini Bank SDK for iOS
Skonto Extractions in Gini Pay API
You can test the new functionality with our Sample App:
using test invoices available here: Test Invoices