

Testing the payment feature requires an app that uses any Gini SDK which can create payment requests, for example, Gini Health SDK. You can use it to create payment requests and forward them to your banking app to view and resolve those payment requests.

An example app is available in the Gini Health SDK’s repository. You can use the same Gini Bank API client credentials in that example app as in your app if not otherwise specified. In order to test using the example app, use development client credentials. This ensures that the example uses a payment provider which opens your development banking app.

End-to-end testing

After you set the client credentials in the Gini Health SDK’s example app, install it along with your banking app on your device. Run the example app and import an invoice or take a picture of one to start the payment flow. After following the integration steps from the previous pages, your banking app should be launched and you’re able to fetch the payment request, show the payment information and resolve the payment after the transaction is confirmed. At this point, you can redirect back to the example app.

With these steps completed, you verified that your app, the Gini Bank API, Gini Health SDK, and Gini Bank SDK work together correctly.

Testing in production

The steps are the same, but instead of the development client credentials, use production client credentials. This ensures that Gini Health SDK receives real payment providers including the one which opens your production banking app.

For testing the flow using the example app, make sure that the production client credentials are used before installing it. You can also test with a real app that uses Gini Health SDK (or another similar Gini SDK). Contact us in case you don’t know which app(s) to install for starting the payment flow.