Help Screen

Help Screen

Bottom navigation bar

You can inject your own view for the bottom navigation bar if you set GiniBank.setCaptureConfiguration(CaptureConfiguration(bottomNavigationBarEnabled = )) to true and pass a custom HelpNavigationBarBottomAdapter implementation to GiniBank:

let customHelpNavigationBarBottomAdapter:HelpNavigationBarBottomAdapter = CustomHelpNavigationBarBottomAdapter(); GiniBank.setCaptureConfiguration( CaptureConfiguration( helpNavigationBarBottomAdapter = customHelpNavigationBarBottomAdapter ) )

Custom help screens

You can show your own help screens and append them to the list on the main help screen. To do this, pass the title and activity for each screen to GiniBank using a list of HelpItem.Custom objects:

val customHelpItems: MutableList<HelpItem.Custom> = ArrayList() customHelpItems.add( HelpItem.Custom( R.string.custom_help_screen_title, Intent(this, CustomHelpActivity::class.java) ) ) GiniBank.setCaptureConfiguration( CaptureConfiguration( customHelpItems = customHelpItems ) )

UI customisation

You can also view the UI customisation guide in Figma here.