Google Play Data Safety Guide

Google Play Data Safety Guide

Since July 20, 2022, Google requires all apps published via the Google Play Store to declare how their app collects and handles user data. This document provides information about the Gini Bank SDK’s data use to help you fill out or update your app’s Data safety form for the Google Play Store.

Data collection and security

For the question “Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types?” please answer Yes. Gini Capture SDK collects information about purchases and transactions.

For the questions “Is all of the user data collected by your app encrypted in transit?“ please answer Yes. Gini Capture SDK transmits data only via https and in addition you can also use certificate pinning.

The answer to the question “Do you provide a way for users to request that their data is deleted?“ depends on whether you provide your users a way to request data deletion. If you do, then you can contact Gini support or use the Gini Pay API to delete user data.

Data types


Used by Gini Capture SDK


Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect approximate or precise location data.

Personal info

Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect personal user data.

Financial info

Gini Capture SDK collects purchase history (purchases and transactions).

Health and fitness

Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect health or fitness data.


Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect data about emails, SMS/MMS messages, or other in-app messages from users.

Photos and videos

Gini Capture SDK collects photos which are uploaded by users for the purpose of data extraction.

Audio files

Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect voice or sound recordings, music files, or other audio files from users.

Files and docs

Gini Capture SDK collects PDF files which are uploaded by users for the purpose of data extraction.


Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect calendar events from users.


Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect contacts from users.

App activity

Gini Capture SDK may collect user app interactions with the SDK, provided you have given explicit consent.

Web browsing

Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect web browsing history from users.

App info and performance

Gini Capture SDK doesn’t collect crash logs or diagnostics.

Device or other IDs

Gini Capture SDK may collect anonymous user IDs which are generated random IDs and unique to app installations, provided you didn’t override authentication or you didn’t implement custom networking.

Data usage and handling

The following sections provide information for filling out the “Data usage and handling” forms. For ease of use the terms and phrases which are used in the forms are highlighted in bold letters.

Financial info - Purchase history

The Gini Capture SDK collects data related to purchases for a limited duration. This duration is 28 days unless a different period has been agreed upon during contract negotiations. This means that data is not processed ephemerally. In addition users can’t choose whether this data is collected.

The purpose for collecting purchase history is to provide SDK functionality (app functionality) and for analytics.

This data is only used internally and is not shared with third-parties.

Photos and videos

The Gini Capture SDK collects photos for a limited duration. This duration is 28 days unless a different period has been agreed upon during contract negotiations. This means that data is not processed ephemerally. In addition users can’t choose whether this data is collected.

The purpose for collecting photos is to provide SDK functionality (app functionality) and for analytics.

This data is only used internally and is not shared with third-parties.

Files and docs

The Gini Capture SDK collects PDF files for a limited duration. This duration is 28 days unless a different period has been agreed upon during contract negotiations. This means that data is not processed ephemerally. In addition users can’t choose whether this data is collected.

The purpose for collecting PDF files is to provide SDK functionality (app functionality) and for analytics.

This data is only used internally and is not shared with third-parties.

App activity

The Gini Capture SDK may collect user app interactions with the SDK, provided you have given explicit consent. This data is not processed ephemerally. In addition users can’t choose whether this data is collected.

The purpose for collecting app interactions is analytics.

This data is only used internally via analytics service providers which process them on behalf of Gini.

Device or other IDs

The Gini Capture SDK may collect anonymous user IDs which are generated random IDs and unique to app installations, provided you didn’t override authentication (via a custom session manager) or you didn’t implement custom networking. This data is not processed ephemerally and users can’t choose whether this data is collected.

The reason for collecting anonymous user IDs is to provide SDK functionality (app functionality) and for analytics to monitor service quality.

This data is only used internally and is not shared with third-parties.