Migrate to 2.0.0

Migrate to 2.0.0

In version 2.0.0 we removed Bolts and Volley. Bolts was replaced with kotlin coroutines which is part of the kotlin standard library. Volley was replaced with Retrofit2, a more popular and elegant networking library built upon okhttp3.

We also modernized the internal architecture to take advantage of the features provided by kotlin, coroutines and Retrofit2.

Overview of public API changes

We tried to minimize the public API changes as much as possible, but due to the fact that Bolts was a part of the earlier public API we had to change all methods that exposed Bolts classes. Also, some Volley features and classes were exposed which had to be removed or changed due to the switch to Retrofit2.


The GiniBankAPIBuilder was ported to kotlin and the following methods were changed, removed or added:

  • setCache() now takes an okhttp3.Cache instead of com.android.volley.Cache. Please consult the okhttp3 documentation on how to customize caching.

  • setConnectionBackOffMultiplier() was removed as it’s not available in Retrofit2 and okhttp3.

  • setMaxNumberOfRetries() was removed as it’s not available in Retrofit2 and okhttp3.

  • setDebuggingEnabled() was added to enable debugging mode which logs all requests and responses. Make sure to deactivate debugging for release builds!


The GiniBankAPI which is created via the builder was ported to kotlin and the following methods had to be changed or removed:

  • getDocumentTaskManager() was removed. The getDocumentManager() method fully replaces it.


The BankApiDocumentTaskManager relied on Bolts and was replaced by the BankApiDocumentManager which exposes kotlin suspend functions instead of Bolts tasks.


The BankApiDocumentManager is now the main class to execute Gini Bank API calls.

All methods are suspend functions and return an instance of the sealed class Resource which encapsulates the API resource and request result. You can find more details in the Resource section.

The following methods were renamed, removed, or added:

  • getExtractions() was renamed to getAllExtractionsWithPolling().

  • getAllExtractions() was added to retrieve extractions without polling. This method should be called only after polling if the document processing state is Document.ProcessingState.COMPLETED.

  • reportDocument() was removed.

  • sendFeedback() was renamed to sendFeedbackForExtractions() which has an overload for sending feedback only for specific extractions.

  • logErrorEvent() was added to enable reporting errors to the Gini Bank API.


The SessionManager interface was changed to declare the getSession() method as a suspend function with a return type of Resource<Session>. You can find more details about the Resource class in the Resource section.


Instances of the new Resource sealed class are returned by all methods which previously either returned Bolts tasks or were suspend functions.

Depending on the request result the following Resource instances are returned:

  • successful request: Resource.Success which contains the deserialized response payload in the data property.

  • failed request: Resource.Error which contains the response details and/or the exception which caused the failure.

  • cancelled request: Resource.Cancelled.

Resource also provides a helper instance method for chaining requests called mapSuccess(). For more details please consult the reference documentation.


The DocumentType enum was moved from DocumentTaskManager to DocumentManager, so you should update import statements to use DocumentManager.DocumentType.


In this section, we mention examples of what needs to be changed for different use cases.

Custom caching

In version 1.x.x, you passed an implementation of the com.android.volley.Cache interface to the builder:

val giniBankApi: GiniBankAPI = GiniBankAPIBuilder(context, "gini-client-id", "GiniClientSecret", "example.com") .setCache(CustomVolleyCache()) .build();

In version 2.x.x, you pass an okhttp3.Cache instance:

val giniBankApi: GiniBankAPI = GiniBankAPIBuilder(getContext(), "gini-client-id", "GiniClientSecret", "example.com") .setCache(Cache( directory = File(application.cacheDir, "http_cache"), maxSize = 50L * 1024L * 1024L // 50 MiB )) .build();

Custom SessionManager

In version 1.x.x, you returned a Bolts Task<Session> in your SessionManager interface implementation:

class CustomSessionManager : SessionManager { override fun getSession(): Task<Session> { // retrieve a user session val session: Session = ... return Task.forResult(session) } }

In version 2.x.x, you return a Resource from the getSession() suspend function:

Upload and analyze a document

In version 1.x.x, you used methods of the BankApiDocumentTaskManager which returned Bolts tasks to upload and analyze documents:

In version 1.x.x, you were also able to complete the above with coroutines using the BankApiDocumentManager:

In version 2.x.x, you use the BankApiDocumentManager which returns Resource instances:

Instead of using mapExtractions(), you can also use when for each returned Resource to handle errors and cancellations for each request separately.


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