

Gini Capture SDK provides various features you can enable. All of them are configured through GiniConfiguration.shared instance. Specifically, the GiniConfiguration is used to configure Gini Capture SDK. For Gini Capture SDK used GiniConfiguration.shared() singleton.

public final class GiniBankConfiguration : NSObject

Makes configuration internally accessible in all classes of Gini Capture SDK.

public static var shared: GiniConfiguration

Indicates whether the Return Assistant feature is enabled or not. In case of true, the user will be presented with a digital representation of their invoice where they can see individual line items and are able to amend them or choose to not to pay for them.

@objc public var returnAssistantEnabled: Bool

General options

Sets custom validations that can be done apart from the default ones (file size, file type…). It should throw a CustomDocumentValidationError error.

Can be turned on during development to unlock extra information and to save captured images to the camera roll.

Should never be used outside of a development enviroment.

Used to handle all the logging messages in order to log them in a different way.

Button configuration options

Camera options

Onboarding screens

Analysis options

Help screens

Open with tutorial options

Find an example implementation here.