Sending Feedback

Sending Feedback

Your app should clean up the SDK and provide feedback for the extractions that the Gini Bank API delivered. Follow these recommendations:

  • Provide values for all necessary fields, including those that were not extracted.

  • Provide the final data approved by the user (and not the initially extracted only).

  • Send feedback only after TAN verification.

You don’t need to implement any extra steps.

func stopGiniBankSDK() { // After the user sees and potentially corrects the extractions // cleanup the SDK while passing in the final extraction values // which is used as feedback to improve the future extraction accuracy: GiniConfiguration.shared.cleanup(paymentRecipient: "Payment Recipient", paymentReference: "Payment Reference", paymentPurpose: "Payment Purpose", iban: "IBAN", bic: "BIC", amountToPay: ExtractionAmount(value: 10.242, currency: .EUR)) }

We provide a sample test case here to verify that extraction feedback sending works. You can use it along with the example PDF and JSON files as a starting point to write your own test case. The sample test case is based on the Bank API documentation’s recommended steps for testing extraction feedback sending. For additional information about feedback see the Gini Bank API documentation.