Check Processing Status and Get Document Information
Once the document is submitted, check its processing status by examining the document information. It is retrieved with a GET
request containing the document URI. When the document is processed, retrieve its extractions and layout.
//document information can be retrieved by sending a GET request to the document URI.
GET /documents/{id}
Header | Value |
//get document processing status
curl -H 'Authorization: BEARER <token>'
-X GET -H 'Accept: application/vnd.gini.v1+json'
Status Code | Description |
200 (OK) | Operation is successful. |
Header | Value |
Body (application/vnd.gini.v1+json)
Key | Child Key | Type | Description |
| Document unique identifier (such as UUID Version 1). |
| Document name (as stated in upload). |
| Number of pages. |
| Document creation unix timestamp (in milliseconds). |
| Document source channel: |
| Document processing status: |
| Classification of the source file: |
| Document page number. |
| Pre-rendered page image URIs. |
| List of related resources, for example, found extractions or document layout. |
| Document extractions URI. |
| Document layout URI. |
| Processed document URI. |
| Document URI. |
Status Code | Description |
404 (Not Found) | Returned when no document can be found under specific URI. |
//request response
"id": "626626a0-749f-11e2-bfd6-000000000000",
"creationDate": 1360623867402,
"name": "scanned.jpg",
"progress": "COMPLETED",
"origin": "UPLOAD",
"sourceClassification": "SCANNED",
"pageCount": 1,
"_links": {
"extractions": "",
"layout": "",
"document": "",
"processed": ""